We have been conducting complex investigations on behalf of business and individuals since 2014. Moscow, Russia, Worldwide.
We have been conducting complex investigations on behalf of business
and individuals since 2014.
Moscow, Russia, Worldwide.
An investigation is about restoring the full picture of what happened, reconstructing names, motives, and events that matter. For 10 years, we’ve been helping our clients to find out the truth about what’s really important.
— Vladimir Golovin,
CEO of Inquisitor LLC
An investigation is about restoring the full picture of what happened, reconstructing names, motives, and events that matter.
For 10 years, we’ve been helping our clients to find out the truth about what’s really important.
— Vladimir Golovin,
CEO of Inquisitor LLC
Anonymity blurs responsibility, so it is often anonymous accounts that are used to blackmail, threaten, or denigrate reputation.
But there is always a person behind every anonymous account,
and people leave traces.

Deanonymization of the owners/administrators
behind smear campaign resources;

Deanonymization of the owners/administrators
of Telegram channels;

Deanonymization of authors of publications
on websites, forums, and in social medias;

Deanonymization of blackmailers and extortionists.
Anonymity blurs responsibility, so it is often anonymous accounts that are used
to blackmail, threaten, or denigrate reputation. But there is always a person behind every anonymous account,
and people leave traces.
Deanonymization of the owners/
administrators behind smear
campaign resources;
Deanonymization of the owners/
administrators of Telegram channels;

Deanonymization of authors of publications on websites, forums,
and in social medias;

Deanonymization of blackmailers and extortionists.
Over 10 years of practice, our team has developed many of our own investigative techniques, but the most valuable thing we have are people: experts in the field
of Information Security, OSINT, GR, profilers. Thanks
to them, our team is ready for any challenge.
Identification of the fact and circumstances
of a contract breach by one of the parties;

Collection/analysis of information related
to the process: evidence, facts, documents, etc.;

Search/interrogation of process participants: plaintiff, defendant, witness, suspect, accused, etc.;

Verification of facts concerning the unauthorized
use of intellectual property/copyright objects;

Preparation of investigation materials for transfer
to the State for appropriate action.
Over 10 years of practice, our team has developed many of our own investigative techniques, but the most valuable thing
we have are people: experts in the field
of Information Security, OSINT, GR, profilers. Thanks to them, our team
is ready for any challenge.
Identification of the fact
and circumstances of a contract
breach by one of the parties;

Collection/analysis of information related to the process: evidence,
facts, documents, etc.;

Search/interrogation of process participants: plaintiff, defendant, witness, suspect, accused, etc.;
Verification of facts concerning the unauthorized use of intellectual property/copyright objects;
Preparation of investigation
materials for transfer to the State
for appropriate action.
Identification of the fact and circumstances
of a contract breach by one of the parties;

Collection/analysis of information related
to the process: evidence, facts, documents, etc.;

Search/interrogation of process participants: plaintiff, defendant, witness, suspect, accused, etc.;

Verification of facts concerning the unauthorized
use of intellectual property/copyright objects;

Preparation of investigation materials for transfer
to the State for appropriate action.
smear campaign investigation

If your business is faced with negative publicity on damaging media, then there are two options: pay for blocking mentions permanently, or pay once for investigating and know your
opponents in person.
Investigation of information attacks with identification
of perpetrators, beneficiaries, and customers of the information attack;

Investigation of cases of black PR (Black SERM);

Identification of the entire chain of distribution
of negative information.

smear campaign
If your business is faced with negative publicity on damaging media, then there are two options: pay for blocking mentions permanently, or pay once for investigating and know your opponents in person.
Investigation of information attacks
with identification of perpetrators, beneficiaries, and customers
of the information attack;

Investigation of cases of black
PR (Black SERM);

Identification of the entire chain
of distribution of negative information.
Investigation of information attacks with identification
of perpetrators, beneficiaries, and customers of the information attack;

◽Investigation of cases of black PR (Black SERM);

Identification of the entire chain of distribution
of negative information.


We’ll help you find debtors, fraudsters, criminals,
as well as kidnapped or missing people. We also conduct asset searches individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Locating individuals involved in debt obligations, fraudulent actions, or criminal activities;

Determining the location of abducted persons
or missing in unclear circumstances;

Identifying assets that have been concealed
or transferred to avoid obligations or confiscation;

Searching for UBOs.

We’ll help you find debtors, fraudsters, criminals, as well as kidnapped or missing people. We also conduct asset searches individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Locating individuals involved in debt obligations, fraudulent actions,
or criminal activities;

Determining the location of abducted persons or missing in unclear circumstances;

Identifying assets that have been concealed or transferred to avoid obligations or confiscation;
Searching for UBOs
Locating individuals involved in debt obligations, fraudulent actions, or criminal activities;

Determining the location of abducted persons
or missing in unclear circumstances;

Detecting assets that have been concealed
or transferred to avoid obligations or confiscation;

Searching for owners or ultimate beneficiaries
of assets hidden behind complex ownership structures.

According to the Deloitte Forensic study "Corporate Fraud",
in 2021, more than 60% of fraudulent activities in companies became possible due to the lack of an internal control system
or its inefficiency. Inquisitor helps clients avoid becoming part
of this fraud statistic.

Detection of unauthorized use or misappropriation
of corporate resources by internal or external parties;

Identifying the leakage channels of significant
information as well as developing measures
to prevent future leaks;

Analysis of actions aimed at illegally taking control
of the company and developing defence strategies;

Investigation of competitors' actions that may damage
the business through unfair practices or corporate sabotage;

  1. Раскрытие схем корпоративного хищения средств, технологий и прочих ценностей сотрудниками, партнерами, третьими лицами - Проведение аудита и расследования для выявления несанкционированного использования или присвоения корпоративных ресурсов внутренними или внешними сторонами.
  2. Установление каналов утечки корпоративной информации - Идентификация источников потери данных, включая внутренние и внешние угрозы, а также разработка мер по предотвращению будущих утечек.
  3. Установление факта попытки рейдерского захвата и его предотвращение - Анализ действий, направленных на незаконное завладение контролем над компанией, и разработка стратегий защиты.
  4. Поиск похищенных грузов и имущества компании - Организация поисковых операций для восстановления утерянного или украденного имущества компании.
  5. Сбор информации о недобросовестных конкурентах в рамках корпоративных конфликтов - Исследование и анализ действий конкурентов, которые могут наносить ущерб бизнесу через недобросовестные практики или корпоративные саботажи.
Organizing search operations to recover lost or stolen company property.
According to the Deloitte Forensic study "Corporate Fraud", in 2021, more than 60% of fraudulent activities in companies became possible due to the lack of
an internal control system or its inefficiency. Inquisitor helps clients avoid becoming part
of this fraud statistic.
Detection of unauthorized use
or misappropriation of corporate
resources by internal
or external parties;
Identifying the leakage channels
of significant information as well
as developing measures to prevent
future leaks;

Analysis of actions aimed at illegally taking control of the company and developing defence strategies;
Investigation of competitors' actions that may damage the business through unfair practices or corporate sabotage;

Organizing search operations
to recover lost or stolen company property.

Detection of unauthorized use or misappropriation
of corporate resources by internal or external parties;

Identifying the leakage channels of significant
information as well as developing measures
to prevent future leaks;

Analysis of actions aimed at illegally taking control
of the company and developing defense strategies;

Investigation of competitors' actions that may damage
the business through unfair practices or corporate sabotage;

Description: We investigated an information attack that led to the seizure of market share by competitors in the customer’s industry.

Result: In the course of work we’ve been able to identify both perpetrators and customers of the attack. We’ve established their working methods and collected relevant evidence. As a result of our efforts, the client was able to restore his reputation in the eyes of international community.
Description: We investigated an information attack that led to the seizure of market share by competitors in the customer’s industry.

Result: In the course of work we’ve been able to identify both perpetrators and customers of the attack. We’ve established their working methods and collected relevant evidence. As a result of our efforts, the client was able to restore his reputation in the eyes of international community.
and Analytics
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 2
All rights reserved, 2024
and Analytics
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 2
All rights reserved, 2024